Survey: 1 in 3 has done something they regret at company holiday party

NEW YORK — The holiday season for many of us also means the annual office holiday party. And while that might bring about a rare chance to let loose and connect with colleagues on a more personal level, there always seems to be that one employee who goes a little heavy on the eggnog and winds up becoming the topic of Monday morning’s gossip. In fact, a new survey finds that one in three office workers admit he or she has done something they regret at a company holiday celebration.

The findings of the survey, commissioned by Evite, may have you second-guessing whether or not it’s worth showing up this year. That’s because of the 2,000 office workers polled, the average employee heads home from the party with seven pieces of gossip about other employees that they didn’t know before. What’s more, 40 percent of respondents say they’ve watched drama unfold by coworkers at the party.

On the other hand, being the center of attention can be a good thing for some workers. The survey found 35 percent of people have watched a quiet and reserved coworker shock everyone by being the life of the party.

Of course, there may be nothing more eye-popping than seeing a romance blossom. Thirty-seven percent of respondents say they’ve seen an office hookup at a holiday gathering. It’s moments like this that explain why 27 percent of employees have never missed the yearly event.

“Anything can happen at an office holiday party, which is why it’s no surprise that the majority of employees look forward to it every year,” says Julian Clark, Evite’s In-House Party Specialist, who suggests organizers of any celebration get invitations out at least three weeks in advance for the biggest turnout.

If your office party occurs during the week, just make sure not to overdo it. Thirty-five percent of respondents say they’ve shown up late to work the day after the gathering, and 17 percent haven’t shown up at all.

The survey was conducted by research marketing firm OnePoll in October 2018.